Saturday, December 29, 2007

The European tour

Milan > Lake Como > Lagano, Switzerland > Copenhagen > Paris...all in 10 days! The dollar is pathetic so shopping had to be kept to a minimum. As usual, I made a stop at Frederic Malle and this time bought the entire set in mini form. Each morning I try a new parfum instead of just sticking with Therese, which is still the most gorgeous scent on earth. The highlight was meeting my French editor. She made me promise I wouldn't put her photo on my blog but I just love it too much to hide. Instead, I have made the pic as tiny as a door-mouse. The Metro sign! The Eiffel Tower! My book in French! So sorry, D.D.! I hope you will forgive me...and merci buckets for the tasty steak tartare!

Milan was oh-so-Christmas-y. It was also as cold as a witch's tit. (I had to go to Switzerland and buy a warmer coat. I just HAD to!) I found my hardback in a number of bookstores. It was also the opening night at La Scala. How fab is that? I stayed in this really grand hotel with lots of little gold bits and everyone spoke ITALIAN! It was very glamorous.

I gained about a zillion pounds, which is not funny at all, but I drowned my sorrows with a beautiful new handbag from ABACO. It was less expensive than the Louboutins I almost bought and way more comfy.

Friday, November 09, 2007

I have Great Happiness

In keeping with my shameless promotion of things I adore, people I admire or just stuff that I wish I had thought of first, I have to plug the absolutely jaw-dropping documentary The Great Happiness Space by filmmaker, Jake Clennell. I think you can only get it on Netflix at the moment (yes, I wish they paid me to say that) but I think you need to have it.

Here's why: I dare anyone not to fall in love with Issei, the hottest thing since, well, something else really hot. He's a shameless heart breaker with death-defying charisma and fantastic hair. The screen hasn't sizzled like this since Warren Beatty blew out Julie Christie in Shampoo.

The movie came out in 2006, which means Issei is probably driving his kid to soccer practice by now but for me he will always be the ultimate bad boy. If you need to know more before diving in (yes, Bryanboy, I know you're already sold),

God, I need to go to Osaka.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It takes a year to really process.

I don't think anyone can really do Marie for Halloween the VERY SAME YEAR the movie comes out. The competition is too great - the images, too fresh. Like wearing white after Labor Day: it's just not right. But a year later and poof. Voila. Let them eat cack. The wig is my friend Nona's, The Vagina Designa. The pearls were my grandmother, Addie-Babes', and the dress is mine. Next year I'll go as, I dunno, Micheal Clayton maybe.

Friday, September 21, 2007

La Ladra Romanzo di Jennifer Solow - oh m'gawd!

What could be better than gnocchi with pesto? Well - La Ladra Romanzo di Jennifer Solow.

What does it mean? Who cares. It's Italian and it sounds delicious.

"Jennifer Solow ci racconta la storia provocatoria di una 'bad girl' sofisticata e ribelle al tempo stesso, che ci conquista con la sua eccentricità e fragilità."

Does that sound fantastic or what?

If you happen to be in Italy and can drag me a home a copy - please do and drop me a line. I LOVE the Italian cover! It's so, like, Elastigirl, I'm dying.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Too Hot To Print!

The French magazine Public was supposed to run excerpts of The Booster all summer long BUT, at the last minute, they decided to pull it saying, "too might incite kleptomania."

As if the French don't enjoy a scandal? Le Bullshit!

I guess I should be flattered. I have created something TOO SCANDALOUS for France. Tres Bien.

If you haven't already done so, pick up a copy of the BRAND NEW PAPERBACK. Ah bon!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Paperback out this summer!

The printing presses are heating up. The boxes are ready. The bookstores are waiting. The rabid fans (who did not want to shell out the full $24 for a hardback) are salivating.

YES, The Booster in paperback is almost here. You can buy it in Australia. You can buy it in Italy. You can buy it in France. Someday maybe (bryanboy, help me here) THE TURD WORLD!

They changed the cover and I think it's quite lovely. More peppy perhaps?
I hope you enjoy it and as usual, drop me a line.

Friday, April 20, 2007

I have absolutely no news whatsoever.

It's been so long. I've missed you all. Me? What have I been doing? Well, I've been writing, which is the awful byproduct of this whole Famous Author must hold up one's end of the bargain.

I also have no photos to share except this one of my friend, Elliot. Elliot came to my reading at Bliss Spa and I really hope you can appreciate the full effect. Can you feel the Elliot-ness? Elliot is a very sparkly guy.

Also...big news: I was in Paris again and went on a perfume tour of all the great perfume houses in the city and I HAVE A NEW FAVORITE PERFUME! Editions de Parfums Frederick Malle is simply swimming in wonderfulness. I bought Le Parfum de Therese which is just so...I dunno...French. I also visited with my delightful friend Linlee at Colette. Linlee is a PR Goddess. She's moving to LA (for a boy, of course!) and will hopefully land a gig in the indy-movie-PR world. She was thinking that it might be fun to work with Drew Barrymore, so Drew...drop me a line and I'll connect you.

Meanwhile, if you are very gay and in need of a place to go, stop by Bryan Boy. He's my new Gay Best Turd World Boyfriend (GBTWB). Baboosh! (tm).

I hope to see you all so soon. New book almost complete. Paperback out this summer. Italian out this summer. French out as soon as they can figure out how to translate chutzpah.